So here I am, the "new" gal in town. My Mom and this other guy, I'll call him "NOT the Mom", seem to really like me and so do the kids but I'm not so sure about the 2 boys in the fur coats. My first couple of weeks here have been a struggle with these guys. We haven't communicated very well and to be quite honest, I'm not sure they speak the same language as me. I guess I can tolerate the little guy but I can't stand how he always has to be around the Mom. I thought that was MY job! He is constantly at her feet or needs to be held by her ~ even when she's at the kitchen table he wants her to hold him ~ how ridiculous is that?!? He has to be around the humans ALL THE TIME ~ he even watches TV with them. He is one spoiled Wire Fox Terrier:

The other guy, the Shiba Inu, well he thinks he's a cat ~ pretty weird looking cat, I might add! He doesn't like me too much but I am slowly winning him over. He wants to play all the time ~ how immature is that for a 5 year old! So, I play with him and even let him win most of the time but the truth is, I can squash his little body with one swipe of my big paws. Don't worry, I haven't done that ~ at least not yet ~ but I certainly CAN do it if I wanted to!

Stay tuned... I heard they want to take me to dog training. HA! I'm a year old folks... don't you know you can't teach an old dog new tricks?!?