We have lots of fun here in my new home. I love to swim and play in the sprinkler and I have even gone on the trampoline a few times. I don't really like to bounce on it but from there I can get a good view of the entire yard!
One day I found this mound of dirt in the yard and I stuck my face into it because it looked like it was moving. It was really fun to play in but all that dirt stuck to my face. It kinda itched so I had to come into the house and rub it all over the sofa to get the itching to stop. When the Mom caught me doing that she made me stop and she didn't seem too mad until she realized that the dirt on my face was from an ant hill. So THAT'S why it itched... those little suckers were all over my beard and crawling in my hair... they were sooo annoying! The Mom's reaction was priceless! Well, at least for the moment because once the clean-up began it was not fun. The Mom cleaned the ants on the inside of the house but I was taken outside and one of the children scrubbed my face and rinsed me off with the hose. THAT was not fun... I didn't want to sit for that but I did (for the most part). Then they had to brush my face to make sure all the ants were out of my beard ~ THAT was not fun either. I guess I won't be sticking my face in any more ant hills in the future.
I also love to spend my days trolling the yard for smells. You'd be surprised how many different scents are out there on a daily basis but the best part is at the end of the day when the humans cook outside.
There is this great big black thing out there that they put their food on and close the cover. They leave it in there for awhile and after they are done and go in the house to eat, that's when the fun begins. I wait until that black thing has cooled off and then I get up on the top of it and lick off all the delicious grease.
Actually, once the humans caught me doing this . . .

My friends and I even do dishes!