Santa Lucia
St. Lucy's Feast Day also known as the Festival of Lights

On December 13th we honor this saint with celebrations in Sweden, Denmark, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Finland, Malta, Italy, Bosnia, Iceland, Bavaria, Croatia and some parts of the United States. Each country celebrates this day in different ways. Additionally, each individual household may celebrate by honoring varied traditions within their own family. Because there are so many different ways to celebrate this day, I will simply talk about how we (an Italian household) celebrate Santa Lucia.
Tradition dictates that Santa Lucia brings gifts to good children and coal to bad ones which is not unlike the celebration of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus). Children are asked to leave food for Lucia and for the flying donkey that helps her carry gifts. In return, Santa Lucia will leave candy canes for the children if they are good and nothing for those that were bad.
Santa Lucia is popular with the children in this household because she brings them candy! I might also add that she is popular with me as well because I have been able to... ummm, wellllllll let's just say I am quick on my feet when it comes to stealing food and leave it at that!
On the night of December 12th the children leave their shoes at the front door and when Santa Lucia and her donkey visit, she leaves delicious candy canes behind. (cue the Labradoodle - hee hee!)
Then, on the morning of December 13th, when the children awaken, they will find candy canes in their shoes (if I haven't gotten to them first, that is!). The day is also celebrated with a traditional meal including cuccia (or cooked wheat) that is specially prepared and served at dinner time. The tradition of serving wheat on St. Lucy's Day is to recognize her miraculous efforts of averting famine.
All this talk about food is making me hungry. I wonder what has been left on the counter for me to investigate . . .
Looking for gifts for St. Lucy's Day (Santa Lucia)? Check out THESE fine designers!
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