For the record, he did NOT have the winning Lottery numbers that evening.
The younger guy is named Speedy (I know... I thought the same thing... SPEEDY ~ What a name!) He was the hard one to win over! He didn't like me AT ALL. My new Mom kept me close to her side and made sure he didn't bother me. At first, even though he was much smaller than me (he's a Shiba Inu, about 25 pounds) I was pretty afraid of him. He can get a nasty look on his face sometimes ~ if you don't believe me, see for yourself:

It was starting to get dark and I was still quite nervous. I followed my new Mom everywhere she went. The only thing was, they made me go outside to do my "business"... can you imagine that?!? Anyway, I took this opportunity to sniff every inch of the yard ~ TWICE ~ I didn't care how late it was or how dark it was. I made the ultimate find... I could crawl under the deck in the backyard and look for rabbits. How great was this place?
They called me... and called me... but they had no idea where I went. Then, they heard me crawling around under the deck. Uh oh... am I in trouble now? Well fine, I just won't come out! They weren't too happy about the fact that I remained stubborn even though they offered me gold treats. They tried everything. Finally, one of the teenagers crawled in after me. What a sight that was! She looked like she had been crawling in the trenches in an army war zone ~ these people are such fun!
It wasn't until I crawled out and saw the looks on my new family's faces that I realized I also got pretty dirty. Oh no... the dreaded bath ~ I can see it coming ~ Ugh! Bath time is NOT fun time:

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